Nuclear Jobs

Nuclear Jobs is an job board aligned with supporting attraction, retention and mobility throughout the Nuclear industry by showcasing opportunities with employers based on and within the supply chain of Nuclear Sites and regional locations.
Jobs demand is accelerating with many proposed new build, commissioning, decommissioning and research projects giving a refreshed focus on local education, apprenticeships, graduate schemes, professional training and skills talent gap attraction throughout the many varied business areas of Nuclear today;
- Energy Generation, Fuel Manufacturing, Transportation, Reprocessing, Repository.
Research and Development
Site Remediation and Restoration
Nuclear remains at the cutting edge of our Science and Technology, accelerating developments in ‘personalised medicine’ and with the attainability of ‘nuclear fusion’ offering the potential as an unlimited energy source without pollution or global warming.
NuclearJobs mission is to support a diversifying working population who are finding their chosen career pathway destination aligned with opportunities within Nuclear. Alongside linking today’s Nuclear professionals and assisting them with navigating their career moves and choices.