Vet Jobs

Over the past 20 years, we have placed over 105,000 Veterans, Transitioning Military Members, National Guard and Reserves, and Military Spouses, into industry leading & high-earning careers. Our hiring numbers are verified by a third-party review by Deloitte, via the Call of Duty Endowment. 65,000+ of our candidates have taken and completed our training courses. To learn more about our training click here.
Our Founder, Deb Kloeppel, sums it up best:
“Military-affiliated job seekers do not come to us for a job. They come to us because we uniquely understand if you want to have sustainable financial security, you have to build marketable career skills. We provide these skills free of charge and career upskilling because for us, it isn’t a one-time placement transaction, it is a long-term partnership. We take pride in our Veterans because We ARE Veterans and military spouses.”